Project Enhancement of Food Security and Resilient Livelihoods Program



  • Project Name: Enhancement of Food Security and Resilient Livelihoods Program (EFRLP)
  • Financier / Supporter / Partner: The project was implemented in partnership with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization “FAO” – Financing the European Union
    • Implementation period: May – October 2019.
  • Implementation site: Districts (Sahar – Al-Safra – Saqin) – Saada Governorate
    • Implemented Activities:
1- Distribution of (250) beehives for (50) families.
2- Distribution of 10 secretions of honey to (50) supported families.
3- Distributing (1050) heads of sheep and goats to (210) families.
4- Distribution of livestock inputs for (210) families.
5- Distributing (120) agricultural gardening tools to (120) families.
6- Distribution of agricultural studies machines to (140) families.
  • Number of beneficiaries: (3,873) people:


Number of beneficiaries of livestock inputs (distribution of sheep and goats + feed) The number of beneficiaries of beehives The number of beneficiaries of gardening tools The number of beneficiaries of the studies Total beneficiaries
families 102 families 50  families 120  families 140 families 380 families


  Persons 2 013   Persons 300 Persons 720 840  Persons

  Persons 3,873