Enhancing food security and livelihood resilience in Sa’ada Governorate, 2018
ASADSC, in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Financing the European Union, implemented the activities of the Program for Enhancing Food Security and Resilience of Flexible Livelihoods in the Districts of Sihar, Al-Safra and Saqain through the following activities:
- Distribution of (1750) heads of laying hens with chicken housing requirements for (175) families.
- Distribution (8.75) tons of fodder center for poultry for (175) families.
- Distribution of (1050) heads of sheep and goats to (210) families.
- Distribution of (21) tons of concentrated animal feed and mineral salt cubes for (210) households
For the poorest households in the districts (Sihar, Al-Safra and Saqain) in Sa’ada governorate.
sheep and goats to (210) families.