Success story of Hurom water tank project in Razeh district – Sa’ada Gov_ASADSC‏


Success story of Hurom water tank project in Razeh district
The construction of a rainwater storage tank with a capacity of 1,400 cubic meters has been completed in the Uzlat of Al-Ola – Razeh District, Saada Governorate. Thanks to UNICEF’s support.
ASADSC was able to implement this project which will provide safe and sufficient water to 2430 beneficiaries, from the villages  (Al-Thari – Farah – Numan – Al-Umrah – Al-Duma – Al-Mujarb – Al-Awarij)- AlOla Area – Razeh District.

reduce the time people spend collecting water (reduce the distance traveled) and the time they spend outside and improve the ability to apply physical spacing through a 2000 meter pipeline feeding it to the established water distribution point Near the beneficiary villages.
The area of Hurom in  Razeh District to the west of Saada governorate, where the clouds surrender and the villages in the high mountains of Razeh are not covered at high altitude, where the paved paths are crossed and the agricultural terraces and the seasonal agricultural crops fields are taken as a stair to climb to the side touching the sky.
The project contains interventions that contributed to reducing vulnerabilities and diseases related to water and sanitation and hygiene and protection from COVID-19 through complementary activities such as water project activities in addition to implementing activities to promote public hygiene to raise the level of awareness of diseases related to water and sanitation and public hygiene and life-saving messages and prevention of The COVID-19 epidemic targeted villages benefiting from the project in addition to Areas and villages of the Razeh district. Implemented by the society’s outreach teams Included home visits and awareness sessions for the targeted, Printing and distributing a variety of communication materials, such as billboards, posters, and publications, in addition to broadcasting educational flashes on the local radio about the prevention of the COVID-19 .. More than 18,329 people benefited from community awareness activities.